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In the Garden of Souls

Novel writing can be a noble pursuit, but only if you produce stories that light the world on fire with truth. I like to write stories filled with mysticism and moral direction, taking my readers on a wild ride toward that truth. I don't believe in stories that only deliver thrills or titillation. They're like empty calories. You get a sugar high then crash, and you've learned nothing. Life is too short to waste your time on an empty read.

Review of The Night Shadow by Cheri Vause

Reviewer Readerofallthings:
This is a great suspense-mystery story, set in the 1960’s. Taking place between California and New York, the attention to details for this decade is excellent, and just one of many things that make this story so enjoyable.
There are many characters in this story, but the story places them in at the right time, without overwhelming you and making you feel like you can no longer keep track of who-is-whom. Very early on I was trying to work out what I thought the ending of the story would be, the who-done-it if I may.
There are twists and turns, and I quickly developed a valued interest in the main characters, Esther and Mac. There is tragedy, illness, murder, deception, hatred, and many other vices sprinkled throughout the story that made me stay up much later than I should of just because I needed to know what was going to happen next.
I can honestly say at one point I was brought to tears, and that does not very often happen to me from a book. Of course I never had it figured out, but those are the ones that make the best stories, wouldn’t you agree?
I would recommend you get this book as soon as possible. Just make sure you have the free time to read it, because once you start, you will not want to put it down!
Source: http://www.amazon.com/The-Night-Shadow-Ch%C3%A9ri-Vaus%C3%A9-ebook/product-reviews/B00O3L6Z92/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_summary?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=byRankDescending